Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Logan-1 to Mom-0

Okay, so today was the first day of school. Super exciting around the Trent household. I had the cutest polo picked out that I had recently purchased at Gymboree with some denim shorts. Of course Logan didn't like that this morning because he had to dress to impress all of the other "big kids" in his class. Yes, Logan wore the Cowboys jersey handed down from his cousin Dylan. This thing is a MAJOR staple in our wardrobe. He is consistently asking when it will get out of the wash, why is it dirty, etc. So when all of these other precious kiddos were wearing their matching dresses and outfits, we wore the Cowboys jersey. Thank goodness we had the jersey...I don't know what we would have worn if we didn't :)

Now, don't get me wrong, of course Logan looked precious anyways - and it truly wasn't worth the fight this morning, I promise you. He is "expressing his style" in his wardrobe daily. I guess I should be thankful that his socks with dinosaurs on them were dirty and couldn't be worn WITH the jersey, right?

Anyways, the day went great. Corey, Brody, and I dropped off Logan and of course he took off without hesitation. He received 4 stickers throughout the day and his teacher said he had a great day...of course. Brody had a quiet day without his brother and didn't like driving around town without him in tow.

We got to go and visit Auntie Em's new house which is located all the way in the Big D. Logan had a great time playing in her sand box and hanging around her new house. (Really he was doing laps around the new house, but who is keeping track, right?) We had a lovely dinner outside on her patio in the gusts of hurricane gustav. Thanks for having us Em!


Icekolbeer said...

The Jersey was a good choice. His wardrobe should be nothing but jersey's of all sports. Just make sure the jersey's are not of any color or shade of pink.

Icekolbeer said...

Next thing you need to get crazy with is Facebook. Even more addictive.

Graham said...

I am so excited! I get to see them every day now! they are precious!

The Cooksey's said...

I'm so proud that you have started a blog...and you did not need my help after all! :)