Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Feeling adventurous?

So my friend Claudia is literally traveling the globe right now...Hong Kong, the Sahara desert, Rome, you name it - she's hanging out there. So my loving hubs was asking why I was so baffled by this. I think it is just crazy that one of my friends is riding a camel???? Really though??? Well, then I was thinking - I guess it isn't that crazy right? I live by the seat of my pants all the time, right here in Texas!

So here are some of the ways that I am wild and crazy just in one afternoon:

1) I go to Williams Sonoma with a 4 year old and a 1 year old...by myself...to have a lovely afternoon shopping extravaganza. Logan only gave me one heart attack while in the store when I heard a loud CLANK when he closed a glass coffee pot very loudly. Thank heavens it wasn't broken!

2) We almost left "horsey guy" at Pottery Barn in the bathroom after going potty. We got all the way in our car seats and remembered him. Thank goodness that we didn't forget him - having to send him to "guy heaven" with "kangaroo guy" would be a very sad day. (For both Logan and I - the whining would be more than I could handle!) Additionally, I have really regulated myself on the germ front - Horsey guy was hanging out in the Pottery Barn bathroom and he came home with us???? Seriously, there would have been a day once upon a time that this would not have happened at my house. Nowadays, Logan was snuggling up with him right after their reunion. What has happened to me?

3) Just imagine us in the middle of Gap Body. I had a gift card that I was super excited to use on some new undergarments. Logan was helping me shop and picking up all kinds of things in there - he was my own personal shopper :)

4) All of this and I was truly wild and crazy by not bringing an extra pair of pants for Logan in case of a potty training accident...I am a crazy person!

1 comment:

Holly Jean said...

You make me laugh! Horsey guy germs is too funny. Luv ya and miss ya!