Thursday, February 12, 2009

What is in your freezer?

So, you know the show Cribs on MTV where the famous people show what is in their fridge/freezer...what they eat/drink and snack on? Well, I have been thinking of that show lately since my freezer has had a bandit.

The bandit is Logan. He likes putting random things in our freezer. When I say random I mean kitchen utensils and the best thing (?) to date is a light saber from Star Wars. Yep, a light saber was in my freezer - just hanging out.
Corey and I think it is funny - kind of. Other blog followers probably think it is super funny. I would if I was a blog follower - I am the Mom though, so I try to keep a straight face :)


Emily said...

Love those light sabers!

Graham said...

That is hilarious!!!!!!!!!