Monday, January 4, 2010

Assault with cowboy boots

There is something about my little men in boots that just breaks my heart. Logan was wearing these new additions to his wardrobe all weekend out at the ranch. (Thank you Auntie Al and Uncle Archie!) They were perfect out there kicking up dirt and forging through the tall grass. He chose to wear his snazzy new boots to school today - with sweat pants. (Not my favorite choice in terms of a combo, but I try to allow independence and creativity in his daily attire.) He gets tons of compliments while wearing his new boots, I am sure you can see why...

Needless to say, I was NOT aware that boots could be used as a deadly weapon...much like they were today. It was a normal school day from what I understand until Logan chose to kick one of his friends (who is also in our carpool, which makes it even worse because the victim's Mom notified me of the incident) in the groin. Now, I can almost understand this from a girl, we just don't get the sheer pain associated with this body part, but from a boy....MY BOY???? What the freak??? So now I sit...waiting for his teacher to call to discuss "the incident." Corey and I are trying to come up with a creative punishment in which he will really "feel the pain" that he caused to his friend.

I must also admit that this parenting stuff is getting a little more difficult. I can't imagine what it is going to be like when my kids start making big mistakes, which aren't so simple to fix or create a punishment for. I feel terrible for the victim of the incident and also for my little man and the punishment he is about to embark upon. Any suggestions out there for a punishment? Send them my way!

1 comment:

Joy said...

Oh goodness! No ideas here, but I'm certain I will need whatever you come up with someday...probably multiple times. Miss you and your boys!