I am the Mom who:
- Has a tinkerbell wand in her purse which goes off and makes a magical sound every couple steps
- Had a tupperware bowl in my garage which had dead moths in it awaiting "M week" for show and tell
- Knows Track #12 on Disc 6 is "Tickle Time" and knows that Track #2 is "You Are My Sunshine" and Track #22 is "5 Little Speckled Frogs"
- Has to read the title of each one of "Curious George" to the boys...even though they don't really get the clever meanings of them
- Has a dance party right in the kitchen at least once a week...I too am a part of the party!
- Always has at least one sweet treat on hand for any boys who eat their dinner
- Had her house sparkling clean EXCEPT the boys bathroom where someone younger than 6 forgot to flush the potty after going #2 - THEN SHOWED IT TO PROSPECTIVE BUYERS!
- Has a very jealous boyfriend who is 2 years old, who does NOT like it when I hold other babies and bursts into tears if I do so
- Has 6 car seats total: 4 in my car to drive carpool, one in the garage in case I need to pick up any other kiddos, and one in my mom's car just in case
- Sees gross things every day
- Secretly puts on my lip gloss, so that the boys don't want to slobber it up
- Sits in pee on the toilet seat at least once daily in my house - you would think I would learn!
- Knows my pediatrician's phone number by heart
- Hates bananas, but has them in my house, diaper bag, and purse for all 3 of my boys
- Has cleaned up the throw up of 2 children who are not my own in the last month
- Thinks getting my teeth cleaned is a near-spa day
- Has begun hating meal time - the youngest boys don't like to be contained to their seats for 30 minutes, and I am convinced that they just might not enjoy eating all that much...I can't relate obviously!
- Isn't driven monetarily anymore, now I am driven by hugs and kisses
- Loves movie night, not for the movies, but for the snuggling
- Is almost as excited to go and get ice cream after a goal at the soccer field as my 5 year old
- Sneaks sugary cereal, I never thought I would miss it as much as I do
- Often runs a day care out of my house for my other friend's kids...everyone needs an afternoon off
- Tries to limit our TV watching to 1 hour day, like my pediatrician recommended. Some days this just isn't possible, especially during the witching hour. (5-6pm)
- Is humbled daily...just when I think I am getting to be a pro at this parenting thing, one of my boys throws me a curve ball.
- Enjoys girl time far more than I ever have previously, I also enjoy chatting on the phone, sometimes with 1-2 kids screaming/laughing/crying in the background.